How is February treating you? Do you feel the shift in the energies? I’m really curious how many of you tap into that and feel the shifts!?
There are funny memes going around Social Media about how January was a practice month and we are truly starting 2019 now, in February. I feel that! I feel that January was a bit of tying up loose ends and now we are ready to Rock and Roar!

Free-Photos / Pixabay
I’ve been traveling up to Mexico from Belize the last few days – on a road trip with friends (I wanted to get my tooth looked at by a “real” Dentist – Belize medical is not the best). I’ve had the chance to discover that I really didn’t use Intuition in my planning of this trip. I did, but I didn’t.
When planning, I got “stuck” in thinking/feeling (? but not necessarily intuiting) that it would be “easier” and “cheaper” to travel with friends. And that it would be fun!
It has been all those things. It has also been a lesson in going with the flow and recognizing that my friends are travelers as well and have THEIR OWN flow and routine and process when they travel. It doesn’t fit mine. For example, I’m a “get up and go, ” traveler. I want to get to my destination pronto! They are a laid back, “we will get there for check-in, we are in no rush” traveling pair.
This has been a good experience for me. I don’t let it bother me, I just NOTICE and have more information for next time.
I even caught myself in the car talking to them about their next leg of the trip and suggesting that I go with them. *smacks forehead* WHAT AM I THINKING? I’m high-tailing it to the bus station!!
Next time I will spend more time asking intuitive questions of myself. Sometimes you don’t know until you know! And it’s not like this was a HUGE event to use intuition on. Maybe I needed the lesson!
Here’s to using your Intuition for even the littlest (seemingly) of things…
and ROAR!
I have had the same experience. I travel with one set of friends who seem to think the day starts around noon. By me, the day is 1/3 done by then.
But, I must admit, most of the folks who travel with me are less than thrilled that the day ends between 2 and 4 AM.
Yeah the day ending at 2-4 AM doesn’t work well for me! Wow Roy you are an awake Rockstar!