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I have mandatory time off from Dec 24 – Jan 1 from my jail cell and I have been thinking on and off since summer about where I wanted to go — Mexico again, Southern California, Arizona, Vegas, Montana, Utah… do I want to go visit friends or go somewhere I’ve never been.  Am I traveling solo or with someone?  Oddly enough NOTHING struck my fancy.  That is pure crazy talk, I realize.  I always jump at the chance to go somewhere – anywhere, especially if it involves getting away for the Holidays!  Nope, nothing, nadda, zilch.  What is wrong with this picture?  It is the oddest thing.  I started accepting the realization that maybe I wasn’t meant to go on a trip.  Stay home?  That’s so boring!  I figured the only reason that I would stay home was to completely de-clutter The Babe Pad.  Living here almost 4 years now says a lot – the piles of stuff that have no real home.  Time to get rid of it all – clothes that don’t fit (a-hem) or that I don’t wear; the collection of pens from the 90’s – do I really use them?  Endless amounts of novels that have been read and are piled up on the shelf.  Anyone interested in a book swap?  Yeah, there are things to do.

Meanwhile, I began thinking that a quick little road trip that would do the body and soul good.  I love road trips.  There is something so soothing and therapeutic about driving down a stretch of open road, windows down (weather permitting) and the music blaring or the music off and my mind wandering to whatever places it needs to go.  Watching the scenery, wondering what it would be like to live in that area, or where that exit leads.  I figured the Oregon Coast was close enough yet far enough away that I would feel like I was actually getting away!  I researched on and off all week, still not sure exactly what I was feeling like.  Found a few cute places that were fairly inexpensive.  I decided to split the cost with Deb & David cause it would help us all get a vacation.  We found a sweet place in Lincoln City, about 5 hours away.  I might go down a day early and check out Astoria – I’ve always liked that town.  We are off for next weekend through the first!  I haven’t rung in the new year on the Oregon Coast before so this will be fun!  There is a casino, museum, close to Tillamook Cheese Factory and a cool glass blowing factory that I want to check out – was highly impressed with that art when I saw it in Venice, Italy.  We have everything we need to hang out in style – fireplace, movies, games, and a bathtub for my soaking pleasure!  This will be a great adventure!

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