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Well tonight was the night! The place to be was the Babe Pad (my dwelling)! Tonight was the Grand Opening for my Quixtar business.

Toby, Mike, Michele, Cindy and of course my mentor Calvin attended. The atmosphere was casual and friendly. The conversation was stimulating as we discussed Business trends, Health, Nutrition, and shared some personal experiences with products or the business. I conducted a brief tour of my website. Calvin was knowledgeable and very comfortable with the topics and the questions he received. He is very experienced in the Business, and with people. I am thrilled that he is willing to impart his knowledge and wisdom to me, for free, so that I can have perhaps a smoother journey than he did as I build my own Business.

There was a wide array of products to sample or check out ranging from health and nutrition to skin care. A brand new Catalog with over a thousand products was there for perusal and also to take home. The sample products included: Oatmeal Cranberry cookie, Protein Bars (strawberry, lemon, peanut butter and also chocolate), XS Energy Drinks, Protein Shakes (vanilla and chocolate fudge) and of course Perfect Water, the premium water designed to easily, efficiently and often very quickly, hydrate your body.

Guests left happy, more knowledgeable and with a gift bag of Vitamins, skin care samples, Perfect Water, an XS energy drink, protein bar, twist tube (to add to water, which consists of ingredients to boost various areas like Joint health, immunity, or antioxidents) and a Catalog.

Thanks to everyone for their support! I thought tonight was a huge success and gave me a great boost of confidence as I start building a successful Business!

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