It was a chilly 72 degrees when I woke up at 3 AM. Amazing how my body is acclimated to the cold (what I now feel as freezing used to be considered warm in Washington!) but yet the heat – – not so much!! What is with that!!!??
I keep thinking about my Year End Review that I shared about in my last email. I reported in more detail in my Metaphysical Mastermind accountability group yesterday. I am really proud of my Accomplishments! I am also inspired by what I want to improve on and do more of this year. It wasn’t a “beat myself up” thing, it was a “noticing” thing — what worked, what didn’t work, what yielded results, what didn’t.
I feel compelled to provide you with just 7 Questions channeled for you in case you feel drawn to reflect on your 2017 year:
1. How did I feel the majority of the year? Did I have energy? Was I true to myself? Did I speak my truth? What do I want to feel more of?
2. What spiritual Gifts did I discover or hone in on in greater detail or practice? Which gifts would I like to use and improve?
3. What did I accomplish – Big AND small? What did I do for myself? What did I do for others? How did I behave? How do I want to behave in the future?
4. What things did I like doing? What things did I not like doing? What things made me feel better? What things made me feel worse? What will I stop doing because it doesn’t feel good to me? What will I stop allowing in my life because it doesn’t feel good to me?
5. What is working in my daily routine? What needs to be omitted? What needs to be added?
6. What do I want MORE of next year? Feelings, activities, accomplishments, experiences, behavior, interaction, situations, etc. Be Specific!
(I’m told this last one needs to come from me)
7. What are 3 (three) things I really want to accomplish in 2018? What are the baby steps for each of those? When will I work on this? List the dates and Commit!
I feel the energies have been gearing up to support us. 2017 was a year of releasing and purging and moving away from anyTHING that doesn’t serve our Highest Good and progression. We are movers and shakers! We are ROCKers and ROARers! We have things to accomplish!
Do you feel it too??
Let me know how you do with your Year End Reflection/Review. I’m really curious how those questions worked for you since they were channeled specifically for you (Tender!). Hit Reply and tell me!
Here is to closing the door on 2017. We embrace our lessons and learnings. We clear and release all that no longer resonates or serves us. (Feeeeel that energy shift!) We stand tall and move forward NOW.
Here is to embracing and acknowledging all of the energy that supports us as we move into 2018. We draw this energy in. We breathe it in down to our toes and we let it become part of us (Close your eyes and breathe it down to your toes). We let it root and ground us. We allow ourselves the permission to feeeeel and expand our Passions and Gifts. We feel the Freedom – and purpose – in becoming and being the Amazing Warriors we are.
Here’s to your ROAR!