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Donate to the Charles Richey Fund

Friend, husband and fellow REALTOR® was unexpectedly hospitalized read more

Yesterday I found out some disheartening news about Toby’s friend and mentor Charles Richey. Toby and Charles met about two years ago through various Real Estate networking communities that both are involved in. They became friends and are in contact often. Charles is the webmaster for his wife Jacqulyn’s Las Vegas real estate website and helped Toby revamp the Barnett Associates website last year.

Charles was recently hospitalized and diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome which is a rare nervous system disorder that results from nerve damage caused by the body’s immune system attacking itself. Charles is currently in the ICU at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas.

What makes the situation even worse is that Charles does not have medical insurance due to owning his own business. With the recent real estate market fallout, he can use all the help and support he can get. If you need a good cause to donate to, click the Paypal Donation link above. Thank you for your support! I know Charles and Jacqulyn appreciate it.

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