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On May 27, 2019, I started hosting my own show called Manifestation Monday.  I wanted everyone to be able to start their week out ROCKING and ROARING their Intentions.  Recently it changed to MANIFEST IT because it wasn’t held on Mondays anymore!

Zap It Up

About ten years ago I helped my friend get a job by “Zapping Up” the energies around the job.  I love putting FUN words/phrases to things, I have pretty much created my own vocabulary.

Zap It Up™ became a signature process I use with my clients.  It has been really fun and cool to see things manifest for others.  And yes, my friend got the job!!!

It is such a powerful process that I decided to feature it in a weekly Live Show.  Manifest It has been going strong for over 7 months now!  It has morphed from a simple process to a bigger one – where we invite current energies in to SUPERCHARGE the Zap!

We’ve used New Moon, Full Moon, Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde, Chiron Retrograde, Master Day, SUN, 11:11 portal, and Meteor energy, to name some off the top of my head!

Each week the process is the name.  The energies are different though.  Each type of energy comes in differently and will integrate with each of us differently.  All of it adds to and helps us with Manifesting.

If you do not catch the Show LIVE it’s no big deal.  I set up the energy container for the Show so that when watching the Replay it is as if you are there LIVE.  You still have the experience and benefit from it.

Manifesting It, oh Yeah!!!

One week a new viewer messaged me that 30 seconds after the show ended she heard a knock on her door and there was her manifestation!  Another gal got a phone call during the Show with a job offer she had been manifesting!  Fabulous!!

Here is last Sunday’s show.  It includes some hammering and possibly Mexican music (never a dull moment for noise here!).

Please join me LIVE every Sunday at 11 am EST/4 pm London/9:45 pm Nepal/3 am Monday AEST over on my Facebook page.

Please get your Intentions ready and enjoy the show!



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