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I had been rebelling and procrastinating posting Facebook Stories for a few reasons – mostly I didn’t want to mess with it on my phone because I don’t like doing things like that on my phone. I like to be able to see properly and work with my hands like on a real keyboard! (Anyone else?)

The other day I took the time and actually created something (a Holiday Video – Tender!) for a Story and figured out how to upload it from my laptop instead of my phone. And I DID IT!!!  (I used InVideo in case you wondered)

And it wasn’t hard!  Sure I had to Google to figure a few things out but it was really quite simple and I know will be even easier the next time!

As I was documenting the story I ended up with this big takeaway/lesson <drum roll>:

Doing new things is easier than you think because thinking isn’t actually DOING!!!

I’m curious if that resonates with you or could resonate with you regarding something you are not doing because you don’t know what doing it will be like or what doing it will lead you to.


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

I’m all kinds of introspective lately as I recently had my 5-year Anniversary taking the Leap and following my dream of living South of the (US) Border. I followed Intuition. That’s it. I didn’t do a bunch of research, I didn’t join FB groups to learn about Belize. I’d been here once in 2013. All I did was follow my Intuition and took baby steps then a final Jump!

I know that doesn’t compare to creating my First Facebook Story but the concept is the same. If I hadn’t taken that leap I can tell you I would still be in a cubicle wondering why I was there and what the purpose of my life was.

How would it feel to follow through on a few little teeny-tiny Baby Steps towards something that you want to do in your life – whether it is a small thing or a big thing?

What could that feel like?

Really take some time and investigate these things and your thought processes around it.

Is it possible what you are thinking isn’t really true?

Is it possible your thoughts are actually getting in the way of creating the reality and life that you truly want?

Let’s step out of those thoughts and comfort zone now and especially in 2020.

Are you with me??? I want to see you ROAR!!!

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