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If you’ve been following the Blog Mania of the 30-Day Ultimate Blog Challenge (go team!!) you have heard a lot about how 3.5 years ago, in December 2014, I took a 2-week vacation from Seattle to Placencia, Belize, Central America.  I followed my Intuition, took the Leap, and never left!

Placencia, Belize

Aerial View of Placencia

Placencia is a little fishing village about 3 hours South of Belize City by vehicle or you can hop a puddle jumper at the local airstrip.

It is known for its beautiful beaches, fishing, diving, and snorkeling.

Placencia is located at the end of a 19-mile long Peninsula.  It is one of 4 villages on the peninsula.  On one side is the Caribbean Sea.  On the other is the Lagoon, where manatees and saltwater crocodiles dwell.

The population is roughly 1,500 while the whole peninsula is around 3,500 (per 2010 census information).

Placencia has grown a lot in the short time I have lived here.  More condo and resort developments are being built.  More snowbirds or expats are moving down to enjoy the Tropical climate and Simple Life.

It is close to waterfalls, hiking, zip-lining, cave tubing, many Cayes (islands) and historical sites (ruins).

The village itself is quiet and if you are the type who needs action or things to do to keep yourself entertained, this wouldn’t be the right place for you long-term.

While tourists visit year-round, late November through April is the busiest season.

If you find yourself needing a vacation out of the cold, Placencia, Belize is definitely a place to visit!

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