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You may have noticed that I add a ROAR after a lot of things that I say (sentences, posts, comments).

ROAR actually started over 10 years ago in emails to my friend Cindy.  I would write “We ROCK and ROAR!” or “Let’s ROCK and ROAR!”  Somewhere along the way, the “ROCK” was dropped (though it’s been picked up again here and there with a new friend!).

Painting by Cindy Gray

In 2009, she painted this Lion.  She added a “ROAR!” at the bottom of a print and I had a T-shirt made out of it.

ROAR is the extra oomph I gave myself when talking about something.

Say it.  ROAR.  It is a word that encompasses inner power.  Saying “ROAR” empowers you.

ROAR became a one-word mantra.

Even a baby Roar has an emotional kick to it.

When I took the leap and stayed in Belize in 2014, ROAR became about the passion within.  Living my Authentic Life.

I feel everyone has a ROAR inside of them.

ROAR is a deep yearning inside to BE WHO YOU ARE.

ROAR is that nudging of reckless abandon to Live your Dreams.

ROAR is Living your life Authentically.

ROAR is Living your True Purpose and Passion.

ROAR is anything that Excites you or that you get Jazzed about!



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