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It’s been really hot and humid in Playa del Carmen which makes for a lunky Jylly!  I know many of you are not even having a Spring so I will zip it.

The Doors will open to the Jyllicious™ Academy of Spiritual Growth this weekend!  It felt good to wait until closer to the first of the month (intuition!).  That means you have another week to mull it over!

What I love about The Academy is that it is going to be tailored to your specific needs.  You will be taught in a way that you learn and given practices/ exercises/prescriptions (as my Guides like to call them) designed specifically for you (they are literally channeled!).

If you really want to dive deep into your Intuitive Gifts then this is the Academy for you.  Upon joining, you will receive an Intake Form chalk full of all the information about your Intuitive Gifts, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Archangels and Animal guides!  For your Intuitive Gifts, you’ll be given a percentage of how strong you are in each area.  That way we can track it each quarter to note improvement!

The Grand Opening price is $39 per month.  There is a lot of content and value for that investment and it will not be offered again at this price.  I sense a lot of changes will occur in the first 3 months as well as we flow with the Energy and really take into consideration what you, the Member, are wanting.

The Academy is for people who really want to learn and grow in the area of Spiritual Growth, embrace it wholeheartedly, and perhaps even DO something with it as a Business.

Also Included in The Academy each month:

  • 4 lessons per month
  • 2 Q&A calls per month
  • 2 Intuitive readings per month
  • Secret Facebook group

I’m really excited about the opportunity to help more of you who are on your Journey!!  I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t had my Mentor to teach me.  When I went from thinking constantly to tapping into my Intuition and feeeeling, it was a whole new world!  I receive intuition or check with intuition about EVERYTHING now – even little things.  That is what I want for you if that is what you want for yourself – strength in your Gifts.

I will be accepting 30-50 members (will intuit this more next week).  I want to keep the group small so that I can meet your needs.  Please hit REPLY if you have any questions or want to let me know you are going to join the Academy!

Here’s to Your Intuition and Your ROAR!!!

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