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2019 Review

So this was officially the worst year of this lifetime – waaaayyyyy too many stressful things happened at once:

1. Multiple trips to Mexico for dental care

2. Oral surgery

3. Financial devastation and debt for the first time in my life

4. Gave up my cute house

5. Began housesitting to save money

6. Soulmate Relationship ended

7. Taught my first Webinar

8. Re-launched the Ignite Your Intuition Academy

My Happy Place

9. Deepened Friendships

10. Met some new, cool people online

11. Purged all my possessions – again

12. Traveled to Bacalar, Mexico for Regrouping and extreme self-care

13. Wakesurfed again after 5 years — I still got it!!!

14. Celebrated 5 years of taking the Leap, and living my ROAR in Belize

What I’ve learned this year is that I am ridiculously resilient, process deeply and like a Rockstar, can’t help but be Authentic in everything I say and do, I show up and do my best, and I ROAR!

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