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How are you doing?  How is Mercury Retrograde treating you?  I’ve been noticing a LOT more glitches with Electronics this Mercury Retrograde period.  I’ve also experienced a few communication miscommunications/issues/upsets.  I recognize the part Mercury may be playing in these situations and work hard not to make too much out of it.

As I ask my Guides what we need to hear today, the word CLARITY comes up.  Or would that be CLAIR–ity?!  (A little play on the Clairs for ya!)

Some of you are struggling with CLARITY in your life.  You are confused about what you want to do, where you want to go (mostly figuratively speaking) and who and how you want to be and live.

Turn off your brain!!!  Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel into it instead.  Feeeeeeeel for your answer instead of think on it.

(Just a little Mercury amusement — the font color keeps changing back to black in this email when I keep changing it to purple.  Gotta love it!).

Part of what causes confusion and makes us lack clarity is the SHOULDS – what you think you SHOULD do based on Society, Other People, Friends, Family (especially family!), Church/Religion, maybe even your kids.

The POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.  Whatever you can conceive in your mind and heart – something that makes your heart sing, gives you a bounce in your step, and makes you talk animatedly about it IS something that jazzes you up!  Start noticing what these things are.  Allow them to expand in your life and in your awareness.

To gain clarity you can use your CLAIRS – your innate gut feeling, your inner seeing and knowing.  Your Senses.

You can Muscle Test (Kinesiology), use a Pendulum, and pull Tarot or Oracle Cards.

tarotize / Pixabay

When I recognized that I was serious about moving South of the Border I began pulling Oracle Cards every day.  The messages were consistent over and over with each card pull:  Go Now, New Beginnings, and Transformation.

Receiving the same message every day, every time I asked the question, showed me that this truly was my Life Path!  I began to trust myself and what I wanted more and more because of the consistency in the daily card pull.

Finding a way to use our Intuition to help with our decisions in daily life is very empowering and quickly becomes a Tried and True Method.

Which ones do you use?  What ways do you use your Intuition to help you gain clarity and make decisions in your life?  Let me know in the comments below!

Here’s to your ROAR!

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