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I’ve quietly started the Ultimate Blog Challenge again this July.  I guess I say “quietly” because I loudly announced it when I started the October 2018 one and then quickly fell off the Blog Writing wagon.  I was struggling with a tooth infection (unbeknownst to me until late November) that caused me to have no focus or energy or really any interest in anything.  THAT is a good (not good) story for another time!

Now I am feeling back to my usual chipper, sassy self and have the brain power and energy to participate.  Yay Me!!!

StockSnap / Pixabay

As always, my goal has been to create that daily writing habit again.

Participating in a Challenge keeps me on track and Accountable.

I feel this time my Writing will branch out into the MORE that I’ve been wanting to create in my life.

I recently ran across Jeff Brown’s Writing Your Way Home 6-week Writing Course that I have been niggled at to take in years past each time I’ve seen it posted.  It begins mid-August and I am going to do it this time!!!  YIKES and YAY!!!

I’ve always had a love of writing.  Mind you, not typically for you, but for me.  I’m kinda private that way!

I’ve Journaled since I was 6.

I’ve written letters since I was 8 and stamps were 8 cents (1978).  I still enjoy writing them and feel they are a lost art.  I type about as fast as I think so emailing works great these days!  But there is still SOMETHING about taking a pen to paper that speaks to me.

I’ve always had an array of notebooks for various writings.  I’ve written over 550 poems, 1 Rap in college (1989), and 1 Song (2014).  Yes, these need to be published!!!  I recently met a tourist a few weeks ago, an amazing 23-year-old rapper and we talked about collaborating!  That got the wheels spinning!

All that to say, I have things that need to be shared with the World.  I do not know how they will all be received but I don’t feel that is the concern.  I am really feeling urged and drawn to doing the Sharing part.  Let the chips fall where they may!


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