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Write and Roar!!  The Ultimate Blog Challenge began yesterday.  Part of me thinks I’m nuts to participate again, and part of me is excited and part of me is scared that I won’t keep up (I’ve been pretty bad at being consistent the last two months).

I love to write, though, I NEED to write, and I know you want to read what I have to say (haha funny not funny?) so here I am, jumping in!

My goal for the Challenge is simple — to get back into the daily writing groove.  I actually kept writing for SIX DAYS, I think it was, after the last Challenge in July.  Not too shabby!

I deleted my MySpace account yesterday.  Now, that was a blast from the past.  I believe I joined MySpace around 2006 and that is where I first started blogging.  Luckily I was able to copy those blogs over to this website a couple years ago when MySpace went through some changes.


My 48th Journal, 2014

While that is when I started blogging publicly, I began writing at age 6 (I’m 48 now) in my little red diary – with lock and key!  I became more diligent with daily journaling at age 13.

I am currently writing in my 52nd notebook/Journal.  That isn’t counting all my Deep Thought notebooks and Channeling notebooks.

I love notebooks and pens and am always on the lookout for a notebook that speaks to me.  The type of paper and college-ruled lines are important as is the flow of the pen.

We will see what comes forth during this Ultimate Blog Challenge.  I have a feeling I will be writing/sharing some personal things.

Are you joining in the Challenge?  Why or Why not?

Write and Roar!!!

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