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Jyll Hoyrup Psychic Healer helps you tap into your Soul Journey and Ignite your Inner Guidance


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We know that things come up unexpectedly.  If you need to reschedule your appointment, please use the reschedule link in your appointment confirmation email or email a minimum of 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Refunds:  There are no refunds for Services (healings, readings) rendered.
There are no refunds for Email Healings/Readings IF it has been started.

GOT QUESTIONS?  Please read the Frequently Asked Questions section or email

HOORAY!  I look forward to working with you! 

Please read and sign the Consent Form below.

Please submit a detailed report of the date you began to notice the Entities, what symptoms you are having, and anything else you think I need to know.  Send this to

After the Signed Consent form is received, your Entity Removal will be completed within 7 days. 
The Healing is done without you being aware of WHEN so the Entities cannot interfere.

You will be emailed a written report of the Healing.

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