
Intuitive Healing
During a Session, I tap into the underlying Energetic reasons that are connected to the experiences, feelings, etc. that you are having. Unhealthy or unuseful things (energetic blocks, patterns, stagnant energy) will be shifted, removed, and transformed. Each session is unique and personalized to you, what you want to work on, or what is going on in your life.
Additional Session Types:
- Cord-cutting – dissolving ties to people, places, or things.
- Clear and Protect – releasing old, stagnant energy and creating a personalized protection with filters and boundaries. This is great for Empaths and HSPs because it helps you get back to your energy.
- House Clearing – energetically releases energy in a house so you can easily and quickly sell it, or live comfortably in your new dwelling.
What Clients have experienced after a session:
- Improved physical ailments
- Less anxiety and/or depression
- More confidence
- Feeling grounded, centered and more like “themselves”
- Lighter, Freer
- Huge energy shift
- Ability to speak up
- Experience living in a Higher Vibration
- Improvements/differences in dealing with others who were unhealthy/causing issues
- Protected energy field – things that used to bother or affect them no longer do
Sessions are conducted via SESSIONS video conferencing (no download required, link will be provided).

Phone Readings
Intuitive Readings are great when you need Intuitive insight and guidance about things going on in your life.
You pick the amount of time, from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
Intuitive readings are conducted via Telephone in the USA or Whatsapp Worldwide.
Email Reading
These are great when you need some quick Intuitive insight and guidance into things going on in your life but don’t want to hop on a call. Answers are thorough and may include action items for the best shift. Readings are 1-3 pages, PDF.

What They Say