Jyll Hoyrup
Intuition Expert
Hi, I’m Jyll! I’m an Intuition & Energy Expert currently living in Belize, Central America (spoiler alert – I used my Intuition to move here from Washington, USA – more on that below!). I’ve always been on a Path of growth and change but my world blew open when I got into The Metaphysical stuff.
I believe in finding and living your ROAR – that passion inside that makes your heart sing – and doing whatever it takes to make your dream a reality.
When it comes to your Soul’s Awakening and Spiritual Journey, it can be confusing and, frankly, not very fun as you shed the old and embrace the new. I’m guessing that you might feel bogged down or unsure of where to start. I get it!!
After being on my own Journey, I’ve learned a few things about where we get stuck and frustrated as we try to understand our Intuition and live an Authentic life while navigating our “normal” life.
I specialize in leading you through your Journey so you can trust your Intuition. My job is to help you learn best practice strategies for your Intuition, use baby steps to reach your goals, and feel confident and supported each step of the way!

How I Got Started
I was notorious for living in my head until age 33 when I was introduced to Energy Transformation (2003). It was then that I began to recognize my Intuition. Years later, I created my own Jyllicious™ Healing and Teaching style after countless classes, certificates, and mentor-ships.
I specialize in connecting the dots between what’s happening in your Reality and your Energetic world. I equip you with lasting shifts, transformation, AND the tools you need that bring you personal power.
For many years I sat at my corporate job asking “Is this it?” “Is this all there is to life?” I felt completely stuck and miserable. Every job I had was the same (I was running an energetic job pattern!). My Soul was screaming for MORE — to live my Soul Purpose and my Authentic Life.
After years on my Path, I was still trying to figure out how to grow a Spiritual Biz while working full-time. I wanted to move somewhere warm and was applying for jobs out of State and out of Country — to no avail.
Drum roll……………in 2014, I used my Intuition to move from Seattle to Belize, Central America. Crazy right? I lived there nonstop for 5 years! By taking that leap, my trust and confidence in my Intuition skyrocketed and I experienced incredible life lessons and personal growth.
You may not want to move to another Country (or dooooo you??) but it’s likely you feel unsure how to incorporate all the things you are discovering on your path into your reality. That’s where I come in! I help you discover your blocks, get clear on what you want to create in your life and teach you not only how to tap into that Soul Wisdom you have inside but to TRUST it. What are we waiting for? Let’s go!
Besides being a Goofball who snorts sometimes when I laugh, I get jazzed up when I’m out boating and wake surfing and I absolutely LOVE Disco music!!! You’ll find me head-bobbing, chair-dancing or full-on busting a move to any favorite 70’s and 80’s beat that I hear!
I believe Transformation can be FUN not heavy and “hard work”, so expect some laughs when we work together! So let’s cue the Disco Music, hop on our Wake Surf board and ROAR!!!

1993 Bachelor’s in Family Science, Minor in Psychology
2004-2012 Matrix Energetics Level 1, 2, 3 and Magick Class
2006-2009 Michele Louie Intuition and Energy Healing Mentorship
2011 Marie Manuchehri Intuitive Healing Mentorship Program
2012 Reiki Master
2013 Jaden Rose Phoenix Apprenticeship, 5 months
2014 Certified Crystal Healer, Hibiscus Moon Academy
2014 Sara Wiseman Intuition University Levels 1, 2 and 3
2014-2015 Marilyn Alauria Psychic/Connect with your Guides Program
2017 Law of Attraction Basic Practioner
2024 Beyond Body & Soul Quantum Healing

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