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We’ve been doing a lot of puzzles during this time.  We are on our 21st one.  It’s a great way to interact without a lot of talking.  I like to work on the puzzle when I get up and the parents are still asleep.  Besides getting the puzzle ready yesterday, I was plum tuckered out and didn’t spend much time on it.

This morning, I was fresh and ready to puzzle for a bit!  It’s a picture of a lake, a red house/cabin, trees, grass, and a hammock.  The parents had their sections going so I decided to put the house together as much as I could – windows, doors, chairs on the porch, and the walls.

After an hour, I had gotten the bulk of it done.  I was down to a few pieces and couldn’t figure it out.  It felt like a  good time to take a break.  As I got up, I decided I would put the house into the puzzle where Dad had been working on the sky and roof of the house.

Lazy Days Lakeside Retreat Lakeside Cabin 750 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle by Alan Giana

Well, wouldn’t you know that the parts of the house I had fit right into that roofline Dad had been working on!  I brought the two windows over and sure enough, those fit into the bigger door piece I had been working on but I hadn’t seen it when in the middle of it.  I had to see the bigger picture.

This struck me as a wise moment.  Sometimes we are looking all over for those pieces to solve “it” for us – and THEY ARE THERE but we just need a different perspective.

4 Ways to get a Different Perspective if you are Puzzled:
  • Look away for a few minutes – get up and do something else
  • Rearrange the pieces to see if something new jumps out at us
  • We could look at the big picture (our goal) and see how the pieces (ie what we are doing / actions we are taking) fit into that goal
  • Perhaps we don’t need the answer RIGHT NOW.  It’s okay to sit with things and let them simmer (or percolate!) in our subconscious and energy.  See how we feel later.  Maybe we won’t need the pieces.  Or maybe things will shift and new Awareness will enlighten us in a different direction.


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