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A little Charity goes a long way

Donate to the Charles Richey Fund Friend, husband and fellow REALTOR® was unexpectedly hospitalized read more Yesterday I found out some disheartening news about Toby’s friend and mentor Charles Richey. Toby and Charles met about two years ago through...

Hello, World!

I’m cracking up over that title.  It’s the generic one that Word Press uses on its themes and when I saw it I said it out loud (try it right now, I dare you) and it just sounded funny to me, so of course I had to keep it for my (drum roll…) First...

Life of Late with The Jylly

I cannot sleep which is very frustrating since I have to wake up earlier than normal tomorrow (4 instead of 4:37) to get ready to head to Portland for a business trip.  It will be a long day – flying at 6 am and returning at 4 pm, meetings with the Supplier from...
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