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“Jyll is not only a delight to work with, but remarkably talented and gifted. I used to get a yearly cough that would linger for two months. Last year, it was in its fifth month when I reached out to Jyll for help. She intuitively determined that it wasn’t a physical issue, but an energetic one. I was subconsciously holding back my true voice! The cough was my true-self barking, “I want to be heard!” The truth of her words resonated with me, big time. During the healing session, Jyll cleared nineteen ancestral and eleven of my past lives; all of whom had been strong females who were unable to voice themselves due to the period in which they lived. She also cleared my throat chakra. I’m happy to announce that I no longer have issues voicing myself and I haven’t coughed in a year.”

G. Kick, Illinois, USA

“Aside from being just ridiculously fun, (which is not ALWAYS the case with energy healers), Jyll is one of the most intuitive and creative people I’ve ever met and one of the most effective healers. I came to her wanting to clear some money blocks, and boy did I clear them! Within two weeks of her session, I received not one but TWO Christmas bonuses from work and had a major marketing opportunity drop into my lap. Most importantly, Jyll works with who YOU are, not just as a spiritual guide. She uses her creativity to work WITH you and empowers you to instantly develop your own tools to make real and lasting changes in your life. I am going to need a monthly dose of Jyll, for sure!”

Sheila Gallien, Hawaii, USA

“Jyll channeled a positive writing exercise from one of her Guides and I found it to be exceedingly helpful, healing, and informative. The work I did with Jyll and her guides helped me to change my focus and feelings so that I was paying attention to what I wanted instead of focusing on what was hurting so much. I highly recommend working with Jyll for healing and channeled assistance. She and her guides are phenomenal.”

Angela U, Alabama, USA

“In the mid-summer of 2015, I suffered an uncharacteristic crisis of confidence. I am a professional pet sitter and was tasked with the care of two very frightened, unsocialized Shih Tzus. They ran in terror as soon as I entered the house, as predicted by their family.  It was going to be a long week for all of us without a positive emotional connection. My burgeoning acceptance of my animal communication skills was not enough. I consulted with Jyll and she Intuited that I was on the right track and gave me a specific action plan to bolster my confidence. My very next visit resulted in positive interaction and by the next visit both approached me so I could pet them! Their family was amazed and gratified when they returned, but no more than me! Jyll provided positive, supportive guidance and helped guide me to the next level!”

Laura Z, USA

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Treat Yourself to a Soul Roaring Transformation!

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