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I’ve gotten such great feedback recently I’ve decided to give the new Activations a Spotlight today.

An Activation is different from a Healing session.  When I do a General Activation or Zap It Up™ for someone I’m “turning on” or ‘Igniting” the situation and energy so the desired outcome is magnified.

For example, in the Monday Manifestations, we are taking Intentions or Desires and creating a Congruence within you to that Desire.  Then we are Igniting, Expanding, and Magnifying the energy of it, so the Universe absolutely HAS to take notice.

The 111® Activation and Universal Sphere® were actually Channeled to 5 women while they were having a weekend getaway on an island in the Puget Sound (Washington State).

I had the joy of receiving the Activations & getting Certified to perform them in the summer of 2012.  Looking back, I am convinced that the Activation was the Catalyst for me starting to get clear about and take serious, consistent action toward my move South of the Border.

The 111® Activation is a transformational, hands-off Energetic Process that taps into the Quantum Field to activate a very specific sacred geometric energy pattern within your energy field.  By changing the patterns in your Energy Field, you change the patterns in your life.

Some recent feedback from clients receiving the 111® Activation includes:

  • “feeling more grounded.  Earlier [before Activation] I’d feel as if I’m living outside of my body, which I realized as I suddenly felt like my soul was within my body right the next day.”
  • “it’s so much easier to focus on positive thoughts.  Good things in life seem attainable/doable which earlier would be followed by a series of doubtful thoughts.
  • “Ever since the Activation I’ve been constantly seeing 111 EVERYWHERE – it’s crazy!”
  • “I feel so much more confident about using the LOA to my benefit.  Like earlier even though I knew how things work, it’d be hard not to have doubts as the mind would be on an auto-pilot. But now this process seems full, exciting, do-able.”

The 111® Activation is a distance session where you lie still for about 45-minutes then we talk at the end.  It is $111 USD.  You can read more about the benefits of the 111® Activation here on the website.

You can also read about the Universal Sphere® Activation which is a shorter distance session for $65 USD.  I’ve created a combo price of $160 if you want both.

These are powerful, life-changing Activations that are one and done – you only have to get them done once to have the benefits for your lifetime!!

As always, here’s to your ROAR!!!

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